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Our Privacy Policy, last updated November 21, 2004

Our Privacy Policy

Unsolicited E-Mail
  • We never send unsolicited bulk E-Mail ("spam") for any reason, at any time.
  • We never purchase or othwewise acquire any Internet Bulk Mail list from any third party.
  • If we do ever collect email addresses (we do not at this time), we will never sell, lease or rent these addresses to any third party. The sole exception is if the owners sell Conservativity itself, in that case, the email addresses would be sold as an asset of the company but only to the new owner of Conservativity, who will first be required to honor this privacy policy for at least two (2) years after purchase.
Usenet The USENET news groups were created for the interchange of information between people, not for the enrichment of those who think of it as one massive electronic billboard. This disgusting use of newsgroups has resulted in a desecration of one of the finest free-speech forums in this land, with material that is largely objectionable, and sometimes illegal. We will never post a commercial response or message to USENET under any circumstance.
E-Mail Newsletter At this time, we do not send any email newsletters.  If we decide to do so, you will have the choice of whether or not to receive anything from us.  If you so choose, you will be asked for your email address only, and not your actual name or address.  We will send a confirmation message to you prior to sending newsletters, in order to ensure that your email information is not added by anyone other than you.

Personal information
Your Valuable Privacy
We will never sell, rent, lease, give away or otherwise divulge any personal information submitted to us on the Internet to any third party, except when required by law enforcement authorities or a court of law to do so, and then only when properly served with a valid and verifiable subpoena or search warrant.
Cookies We use, not abuse, cookies.

Our cookies do not contain your name, personal information or address -- ever.  All of our cookies expire in 24 hours or less.

We consider it a privilege to serve you. We have designed these policies to ensure that all people can feel safe that we will not disseminate their valuable private information to others, and that we will never, ever sell that information to third parties.

John F. Tamburo, Publisher
Conservativity Web Magazine