Home > Perspective The Liberal Little Big Horn by Conservativity Staff, Originally Posted: 12/2/2004 4:59:57 PM
Liberalism, especially the paternalistic elitist liberalism that brought us to the brink of chaos, is now in its death struggle. The leaders of the elite left are Custer at Little Big Horn, outnumbered, outfoxed and outmoded. Those ignorant, insolent people! They have dared to vote liberals out of power; the younger generation dares to ignore the liberal propaganda-factories that pass for higher education in the United States; they have lost the hearts and minds of the vast majority, who they now decry as ignorami.
"Nothing terrifies libs more than the specter of Chief Justice Clarence Thomas and Associate Justice Miguel Estrada."
Alas, the faux-Illuminati liberals are now at their last stand: the Judiciary. As previously noted, Dr. Bill Frist, our Senate Majority Leader, is unabashedly rumbling about nuclear options to kill filibusters of our President’s judicial nominees. Chief Just Rehnquist, God bless the man, is most likely ready to retire. Nothing terrifies libs more than the specter of Chief Justice Clarence Thomas and Associate Justice Miguel Estrada. They cannot stomach our President’s continual promotion of minorities to the highest levels of government, wrecking nearly 70 years of tokenism that was hiccupped only momentarily by Ronald Reagan and president Bush-41. More than that, they realize that our President will now use his mandate to clean up our Judicial house!
The idea of someone who will not read into the Constitution a right to force the government to pay you to make "art" by dipping a symbol of Jesus in body wastes frightens the elite leftists. They use immoral license as a substitute for true Liberty; that thing they wish to steal in their megalomaniacal lust for absolute power. They want you to believe that the government must handle charity as if God (who they hate except when they want to pander to His followers) commanded that government must step in and handle the obligations he assigned to individuals.
"The judiciary has been used to twist and warp the Constitution more than Elastigirl in The Incredibles, all for the benefit of the liberal agenda. This use of the judiciary to legislate that which the people will not stomach is unconstitutional."
The judiciary has been used to twist and warp the Constitution more than Elastigirl in The Incredibles, all for the benefit of the liberal agenda. This use of the judiciary to legislate that which the people will not stomach is unconstitutional. Let me make it clear that my topic here is not abortion. That is a different issue, and we’ll present our position paper on that subject in due course. I think of things like the eradication of any mention of God from any public place, to the point where schools refuse teachers permission to quote from the Declaration of Independence because it reverently mentions God. I think of things like the Supreme Court of Massachusetts ordering its legislature to pass gay marriage into law, clearly flouting the separation of powers doctrine (A court has the power to strike down unconstitutional laws, not to force legislatures to make law according to its whim in order to codify some newly discovered hidden right).
The last stand is on. The Federal bench is aging and undermanned. President Bush will get the opportunity to appoint roughly half the federal bench to lifetime terms, including as many as four Supreme Court justices. He has a friendly Senate and a popular mandate. Elite liberalism, what in the 1930s used to be called Socialism, has failed utterly everywhere it has ben tried. The people prefer conservatism, and our President will oblige their will with judges who will not read into the Constitution a form of "tyranny of the judiciary" (thanks again to Ann Coulter for the phrase).
As the Custer of liberalism faces its Little Big Horn, the People and their rights will be the true victors.