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Harry Reed, Pt. II -- Clarence Thomas Attack

According to Harry Reed, our new Senate Minority Leader (Tom Daschle was kicked out of office by the wise and wonderful voters of South Dakota), Clarence Thomas is an "embarassment" to the Supreme Court.  "I think that his opinions are poorly written. I just don’t think that he’s done a good job as a Supreme Court justice."  From what planet does Mr. Reed hail?  I know that he claims to represent the People of Nevada, and the Democratic party.  The Democrats claim to be the party of racial equality, yet here is another attack on a minority who dares to be a non-leftist.  But I digress.  This article is not about Justice Thomas’ race.

"Clarence Thomas ... cannot defend himself because he is constrained by judicial ethics rules; he will not stoop to respond to this kind of garbage because he is a better man than that.  In fact, both personally and legally, Justice Thomas has been an excellent jurist."

Clarence Thomas is a sitting member of the United States Supreme Court.  He cannot defend himself because he is constrained by judicial ethics rules; he will not stoop to respond to this kind of garbage because he is a better man than that.  In fact, both personally and legally, Justice Thomas has been an excellent jurist.  Every day he sits on the bench of our Supreme Court, he does his country and its law great credit.  That is why, back when the Chief Justice was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer, we endorsed him for promotion to Chief Justice.

As to the accusation that Clarence Thomas lacks writing skills -- that his opinions are "poorly written" -- I will let the honorable Justice Thomas speak for himself:

"Rules designed to safeguard a constitutional right, however, do not extend the scope of the constitutional right itself, just as violations of judicially crafted prophylactic rules do not violate the constitutional rights of any person. As we explained, we have allowed the Fifth Amendment  privilege to be asserted by witnesses in noncriminal cases in order to safeguard the core constitutional right defined by the Self-Incrimination Clause --the right not to be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against oneself. We have likewise established the Miranda exclusionary rule as a prophylactic measure to prevent violations of the right protected by the text of the Self-Incrimination Clause --the admission into evidence in criminal cases of confessions obtained through coercive custodial questioning."  Chavez v. Martinez, 538 U.S. 760, 772 (U.S., 2003)

"We first consider the nature of the privacy interest allegedly compromised by the drug testing. As in [citation omitted], the context of the public school environment serves as the backdrop for the analysis of the privacy interest at stake and the reasonableness of the drug testing policy in general."  Bd. of Educ. v. Earls, 536 U.S. 822, 830 (U.S., 2002)

So much for "poorly written."  Clarence Thomas is lucid, organized, logical and wise.  These racist leftists, however, treat this great man as a moron not because he is one; far from it, he is able and brilliant.  These people treat all who do not agree with their ideology as intellectually deficient.  To these bigots, if you’re not a liberal, you are a moron.

Am I wrong?  "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot" -- Book Title by Al Franken.  "How Can [60,000,000] People be So Dumb?" -- UK Daily Mirror, front page, day after our President was re-elected.  The Right is trying to "cultivate and exploit ignorance in this country."  -- Jane Smiley in Slate.  "Many Americans have nothing between their ears. Americans are fat, lazy, and stupid. I don’t like this country anymore." -- Liberal Kerry Supporter in the Boston Globe. 

Harry Reed could have understood that he is in the minority in the Senate. He should be looking for ways to make the people happier, so that he and his party are not made even more irrelevant in two years.  Instead, he has led off with strident attacks on the will of the people to reform Social Security and a racist assault on Justice Clarence Thomas.  So, while we are rightly enraged with his bigotry, we can take heart that Mr. Reed and his party are bleeding off support -- badly.  Our President’s mandate shall increase.