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The Nuclear Axis of Fear

North Korea has boasted that it has nuclear weapons, made in direct violation of an agreement brokered by former President Carter during the clinton administration.  Yesterday, Feb. 13, 2005, Iran made multiple hostile statements threatening the United States if it interferes with an Iranian nuclear "heavy water" reactor, the primary use of which is to refine weapons-grade atomic fuels.  Iran also rejected the offer of a free "light water" reactor made by Europeans.  Such a reactor is wonderful for generating energy, but not so good for weapons.  Even the Germans are rumbling about U.N. sanctions at this point.

"Right after September 11, our President identified a three nation ’axis of evil’ consisting of Iraq, Iran and North Korea.  Subsequent history has proven his words to be quite wise."

Right after September 11, our President identified a three nation "axis of evil" consisting of Iraq, Iran and North Korea.  Subsequent history has proven his words to be quite wise.  Iraq is now an ally; Saddam awaits trial for the horrors he wrought upon the people of Iraq.  A "domino effect" has caused Libya to give up all of its WMD’s as Moammar Qadaffi messed his pants when imagining the power of the United States of America on a cleanup mission.  Now, North Korea and Iran are playing high stakes nuclear poker with a President who could obliterate both nations from existence in a matter of minutes.  Why?

The answer to that question is easy.  Fear.  North Korea made its nuke program public in order to protect its despots from what it saw as inevitable U.S. military action.  Iran is desperately rattling its still-empty saber case, telling us that any attacker would find Iran to be a "scorching hell."  As Iraq is proceeding necely into a freely-elected republic, the despots who rule there are sandwiched between free countries.  The terrorists that the ultra-left American media still call "insurgents" are coming in through Iran, which is now the world’s primary terror sponsor state, at least until Iraq stabilizes and our Iraq army turns Eastward as our Afghanistan army turns westward.

"These terrified despots see nukes as the only way to slow the United States.  Bad move."

These terrified despots see nukes as the only way to slow the United States.  Bad move.  One reason our road in Iraq was so rough was the resistance of the French and Germans.  However, if the U.S. is intent to keep nukes out of the hands of terrorists, one will find few if any world leaders who will object, much less obstruct.  Iran is rattling its saber, and in refusing the Eurodeal for the light water reactor it is signalling the world that it is proceeding to develop A-bombs at full speed.  In fact, if we don’t bomb these facilities to the Stone Age, Israel will go ahead and do it for us, and won’t bother to ask us or anyone else for permission.  Funny, but if that happens, I think that you will find that Syria, Palestine and Jordan won’t object to being kept out of the path of wind borne fallout.

Already, the U.S. is refusing to engage in one-on-one talks with North Korea, and is insisting that the South, the Chinese, the Russians and the Japanese must be involved.  Of this group, North Korea fears the Chinese the most, since they can act against North Korea in very damaging ways without even having to fire a shot.  With respect to Iran, we have made a friend of Ayatollah Al-Sistani, who is a friend of freely-elected republics and an opponent of the extreme left-wing theocracy currently running the country.

"The fear that North Korea and Iran feel is real, and is well-placed.  Their days are numbered, unless they make a 180-degree turn."

The fear that North Korea and Iran feel is real, and is well-placed.  Their days are numbered, unless they make a 180-degree turn.  If Iran abandons its reactors and terror and holds free elections, in essence doing a Qadaffi plus some, I think that they can escape the world’s wrath.  If not, Iran will coalesce a worldwide coalition with its belligerent actions.  American, British, French and German troops will overrun the country, secure it, and then tender the people the right to vote, thus enfranchising Al-Sistani as the new face of Islamic republicanism (it’s practically foregone that any Iranian election after an invasion will seat Al-Sistani’s supportees).

North Korea needn’t worry about a military war.  Over there, they need to worry that China will cut off the supply of food and money, and fear for a subsequent revolt.  If they cough up their nukes, they publicly emasculate their leadership.  If they do not, then the sanctions come.  Either way, North Korea’s time as an independent state is limited.  The South is so muted because it sits quietly, waiting for the North to implode.  When that happens, the DMZ closes, and the countries merge.

Fear.  The bad guys quake in fear.  Of us.  My, this is a great time.