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Buggy Begala

Updated at 12:45PM on July 18, 2005:  Paul Begala, formerly an adviser to Bill Clinton, has handily won admission to our Hall of Shame.  Why?  He accused the GOP of wanting to kill him and his children to preserve tax cuts for the rich.  Speaking in front of the ultra-left Campus "Progress" National Student Conference.  As you know, we have previously featured this group’s intellectually-vacant verbal crucifixion of Ann Coulter, which, in lieu of actual responses to Ann’s positions, featured lurid speculation about her sex life and numerous jabs at her slim figure.  Campus "Progress" is already in our Hall of Shame.  Begala’s remarks, however, are so far beyond the pale that he deserves his own place. Read a great story here that details this travesty.

"I would like to be far from the first to note that it was Bill Clinton who let Osama Bin Laden, who had already bombed the USS Cole, get away when Yemen offered him up to us on a platter."

According to Begala, Republicans have "done a p*ss-poor job of defending" the United States.  I would like to be far from the first to note that it was Bill Clinton who let Osama Bin Laden, who had already bombed the USS Cole, get away when Yemen offered him up to us on a platter.  Then when the one that got away designed the most vicious terrorist attack in American history attacked us on September 11, it was George W. Bush who has secured our country so well that there has been no other attack on us in nearly four years of trying.  When the 2004 election was in full gear, Al Qaeda could only attack with a videotape.  A "P*ss poor job?"  I think that term applies to Mr. Begala’s former boss and not to his successor.

"I was driving past the Pentagon when that plane hit" on Sept. 11, 2001. "I had friends on that plane; this is deadly serious to me," Begala said.  To that statement, we say first that we are glad that Mr. Begala was not killed.  Then we say that Sept. 11 was Bill Clinton’s fault!  Osama Bin Laden has said that he thought us weak based on Clinton’s response to the Yemen handover attempt and to Somalia.

Begala:  "They want to kill me and my children if they can. But if they just kill me and not my children, they want my children to be comforted -- that while they didn’t protect me because they cut my taxes, my children won’t have to pay any money on the money they inherit.  That is bullsh*t national defense, and we should say that."  To this we say: Huh?  The GOP are murderers?  Our complete protection of the United States since the Clinton-inspired September 11 is an attempt to murder him and his children?  Such talk is Constitutionally protected.  However, that Constitutional protection does not change the fact that Begala’s statement is an evil lie.

"As to President Bush’s tax cuts reducing Mr. Begala’s safety, which appears to be the point of Mr. Begala’s irrational diatribe, the facts soundly refute that conclusion."

As to President Bush’s tax cuts reducing Mr. Begala’s safety, which appears to be the point of Mr. Begala’s irrational diatribe, the facts soundly refute that conclusion.  Moreover, the tax cuts have not resulted in defense cuts or even cuts in Mr. Begala’s precious social programs (read: Democratic Dependence schemes).  In fact, as we learned last week, our beloved President’s tax cuts have resulted in increased government revenue!  It’s economics 101.  It’s akin to supply and demand.  If you sell 10 items at $100, you will sell 20 items at $80, and in the end you will have $1600 in gross revenues versus $1000.  Since government has no cost of goods sold, the extra revenue kills deficit nicely.

Begala continued to allege that the GOP "ain’t had a new idea since they opposed Social Security, and guess what, they still do. ... They are beginning to figure out that there is no Soviet Union, but they still want Star Wars to stop it."  The first half of this rant, that dealing with Social Security, is facially wrong based on the President’s own statements.  The lack of a new idea allegation is pure projection.  The second half of the rant, about SDI -- derided as ’Star Wars’ by its detractors -- takes on an unique irony considering the fact that Begala uttered this nonsense just hours after a senior Chinese General said that he would destroy American cities with nuclear missiles if we used force to defend Taiwan against a Chinese attack! 

"[I]nstead for funding SDI, Bill Clinton decided to give China the technology they needed to build ICBM missiles that could destroy us!  Again, Mr. Begala appears to project his own boss’ massive mistakes onto our President!"

Were SDI fully funded and deployed, China’s threat would be somewhat empty.  However, instead for funding SDI, Bill Clinton decided to give China the technology they needed to build ICBM missiles that could destroy us!  Again, Mr. Begala appears to project his own boss’ massive mistakes onto our President!  Now, George Bush has the headache of dealing with another Clinton mess, and this one is serious.

There are other comments, made by others at the meeting, which appeared to warp history.  An example was Mr. Frank’s comment that FDR had to drag the GOP into World War II, "kicking and screaming."  He then went on to allude that the GOP liked the Nazis.  This is no less than subterfuge.  We were attacked by the Japanese on December 7, 1941, and the GOP controlled caucus overwhelmingly approved FDR’s war declaration request, immediately.

"The idea that the conservative GOP would support a left-wing group like the Nazis is sickening.  In fact, as the article points out, it was Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., and his son, Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., who wrote glowingly of Hitler, his anti-Semitism and his repressive socialist regime.  Both Kennedys were highly active Democrats."

The idea that the conservative GOP would support a left-wing group like the Nazis is sickening.  In fact, as the article points out, it was Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., and his son, Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., who wrote glowingly of Hitler, his anti-Semitism and his repressive socialist regime.  Both Kennedys were highly active Democrats.  They were the father and brother of Edward "Ted" Kennedy, extreme leftist senator from Massachusetts.  The Democrats have always been, and are to this day, the anti-Semite and anti-freedom party.

Begala continues the horrid leftist tradition of fact-free propaganda designed to whip the people into hysteria.  It’s the same sort of lying that the left continues to use to beat the dead horse of the Karl Rove story.  It’s the same sort of lying used to defame our President about Iraq.  Begala rewrites history for no other purpose than restoring the left to power.  To the leftist elite, no lie is too bad, no scandal is too phony, no act too amoral to be employed in the restoration of the left to power.

For this amoral and high-handed lying to this country’s young people, Paul Begala joins our Hall of Shame.