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A Very Immature Old Lady

Helen Thomas is very old.  She is going to turn 85 next Thursday, August 4.  Now, my father, who passed from this Earth at age 87 in 2001, always reminded me of God’s command to show respect and deference to my elders.  He was and is right.  But what Helen Thomas has been quoted as saying today is not something one would expect a wise old woman to say.

Matt Drudge is reporting that Helen Thomas is vowing to commit suicide if Dick Cheney runs for President.  "The day Dick Cheney is going to run for president, I’ll kill myself," she told The Hill, a Washington DC newspaper. "All we need is one more liar."  Ms. Thomas added her opinion: "I think he’d like to run, but it would be a sad day for the country if he does."

"For those of you who do not know, Helen Thomas is a reporter, who has been a fixture in the White House press room since the days of Dwight Eisenhower.  She is an obvious and unabashed liberal, and is given a gigantic amount of deference by both the Presidential staff and the press corps."

For those of you who do not know, Helen Thomas is a reporter, who has been a fixture in the White House press room since the days of Dwight Eisenhower.  She is an obvious and unabashed liberal, and is given a gigantic amount of deference by both the Presidential staff and the press corps.  She has, since the election of our present beloved President, been a critic of the administration, and of the president personally.  That’s her right.  She has the right to her opinions.  In fact, she has the right to say that she plans to kill herself if Mr. Cheney changes his mind and run for President in 2008.  And we support Ms. Thomas’ right to speak her mind.

Now, with no intent to disobey my honored father or God, I say that such a statement is grossly immature.  Helen Thomas needs to realize that she has no right to expect or demand that people agree with her philosophies.  She has no right to accuse our Vice President of being a "liar" without evidence.  Such an accusation could be a legally-actionable defamation.  Ms. Thomas also has no right to attempt to extort Mr. Cheney or his supporters with a threat of suicide.  Not to mention, the threat is ludicrous.  How many conservatives will write to our Vice President and plead with him to refrain from running for President to save Helen Thomas from taking her own life?  Few, if any, will do so.

"Also, Ms. Thomas needs to realize that Dick Cheney has repeatedly said that he has absolutely no intention to run for President!  So what is the reason for such an outburst?  She’s unlikely to be put on the spot."

Also, Ms. Thomas needs to realize that Dick Cheney has repeatedly said that he has absolutely no intention to run for President!  So what is the reason for such an outburst?  She’s unlikely to be put on the spot.  Is the news reporter wanting to become a news maker?  Sadly, I think that this is the case.  Ego trumps common sense.  It happens all of the time.

To Helen Thomas:  I respect your 45 years long career.  You worked the Press Room before I was born.  Don’t you think that you would have more fun poking at our Vice President should he run for office than ending it all?