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Supporting the Troops Requires Supporting the War!

On Thursday the 25th, Rush Limbaugh made, indirectly, the most important observation I’ve heard in a long time.  He said that, to conservatives, the constant leftist mantra of "we support the troops -- but not the war" sounds no different than "we support the war -- but not the troops."  I got what Rush was saying.  It boils down to this undeniable truth:  If you don’t support the war, you cannot support the troops!

"The terrorists who we are fighting are emboldened by the press’ constant coverage of anti-war protesters, and their actual anti-war propaganda."

"But John, how can you say this!  The leftists are not calling the troops ’baby killers,’ as they did when they came back from Vietnam!"  It does not matter.  Every single person, from John Kerry to Cindy Sheehan to Ariana Huffington to Michael Moore, aids and comforts our enemies every time they call for us to immediately withdrawal, or says the old, false refrain that "Bush lied, soldiers died!"  The terrorists who we are fighting are emboldened by the press’ constant coverage of anti-war protesters, and their actual anti-war propaganda.  Where the accusations of lying against our President are specious, it is quite accurate to say "Michael Moore lied, Soldiers died!"

These leftists, who are so obsessed with hating this country, and hating our President, do no realize that their statements are weakening us -- or do they?  To me, personally, Cindy Sheehan’s 20-year hatred of this country is now boiling over.  Check the accounts of her son’s death.  Casey Sheehan was an undeniable hero!  So how does this grieving mother handle this loss, both personally and to her ideology?  She first meeth with our President, and says many nice things about him.  Then, she gets angry.  She does a 180-degree spin and now espouses the notion that President Bush should be handed over to a war crimes tribunal!

"How do you think al-Zarqawi feels when he hears Ms. Sheehan calling his terrorists "freedom fighters?"  I can guess.  He’s ready to do more evil to the troops that the America-hating leftists ’support.’ "

Image how that plays with al-Zarqawi, the admitted Al-Qaeda operative, leading the terrorists (I swear I will explode if I hear one more reporter glorify them as "insurgents")?  How do you think al-Zarqawi feels when he hears Ms. Sheehan calling his terrorists "freedom fighters?"  I can guess.  He’s ready to do more evil to the troops that the America-hating leftists "support.".  He figures, kill a few more, and Bush will have to pull out like that coward Clinton did in Somalia.  Then the road will be clear for Al Qaeda to turn Iraq into what Afghanistan was on September 11, 2001.

The press still remembers its glory days, when it controlled American public opinion with its propaganda.  To CBS News, its greatest achievement is still Cronkite’s stilted coverage turning a country against Lyndon Johnson’s war, ultimately driving him from office.  To the Washington Post, its greatest achievement was taking a two-bit burglary of the DNC and bringing down LBJ’s successor, Richard Nixon (and yes, I know, if Nixon had not covered anything up, he would have served his terms out).  The press seems to think that its job is to bring down presidents.  They tried with Reagan and Iran/Contra.  They tried with Clinton and the actual grand jury perjury -- no, oops, they backed Clinton!  Let me rephrase:  The press seems to think that its job is bringing down Republican presidents.

"Luckily for us, George W. Bush is honest, kind, decent and good.  He has done nothing wrong.  Any fair analysis of the facts leading up to the liberation of Iraq shows that he had good reason to believe that Saddam Hussein had WMDs."

Luckily for us, George W. Bush is honest, kind, decent and good.  He has done nothing wrong.  Any fair analysis of the facts leading up to the liberation of Iraq shows that he had good reason to believe that Saddam Hussein had WMDs.  I still think that the WMDs were spirited to Syria.  And we liberated people from rape rooms, torture chambers, and genocidal despotism that rivalled the atrocities of the Nazis.  So how does the left, both the protesters and their willing press accomplices, react?

They say, without really meaning it, that they "support the troops -- but not the war."  That is impossible and they know it.  They attack our troops every time they open their mouths to protest the war, a war that by any fair assessment has been a resounding success!  Millions liberated, 18 of 20 provinces stable, Iraqi Constitution coming along, one free election already.  The only opposition we face is from bands of evil thugs who are either Al-Qaeda proper, or Saddam loyalists who have allied themselves with the terrorists.  Let’s not forget that Saddam himself was a terrorist supporter, starting with the very public $25,000 bounty he paid to every family of a Palestinian suicide bomber!  That alone, under the Bush doctrine, warrants our action to depose him.

The press keeps careful count of our casualties, and trumpets each "milestone" as if it were some sort of failure of our President to wage effective war.  We liberated over ten million people at a cost of fewer lives lost than in the first two hours of the Normandy invasion!  We lost more troops in one training exercise in 1944!  Are we so wimpy that we cannot handle the notion that some die for our freedom?  Thanks to God, apparently not.  Total re-enlistments and new enlistments to our Armed Forces are ahead of goal.

"These evil leftists, and those in the press who will flush the truth into the commode for the sake of helping the left regain power (vainly if the last elections are any indicator), are raising our casualty count every time they open their mouths."

These evil leftists, and those in the press who will flush the truth into the commode for the sake of helping the left regain power (vainly if the last elections are any indicator), are raising our casualty count every time they open their mouths.  But therein lies the problem.  Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan, Ariana Huffington and all of these other leftists have the right to speak freely against our government, even if their goal is to get into power, flush the Constitution, impose totalitarian leftist rule, and silence us by force.

So we cannot shut them up.  We cannot force the press to suddenly gain morality or a modicum of decency.  We cannot force Michael Moore to see reality.  If we could, we would be fools to do so. Our job to support the troops is to tell the others that every single anti-war protester, no matter what they say, actually is helping to harm this country and its troops.  The left is murdering our soldiers with their evil rhetoric, which they know aids and comforts our enemies.  They just don’t care.

So tell every anti-war person who "supports the troops" the truth!  Tell them that their words are giving aid and comfort to al-Zarqawi and all of the terrorists strength to go on killing the soldiers they say that they support!  If they want the troops out of Iraq, they should support the troops for real!  Help the war effort to succeed.  The only thing that will protect us is complete and total victory.