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Conservatives Are More Pro-Choice!

The left in America pushes the notion that it is the party of choice and liberty, while it simultaneously, and falsely, accuses conservatives of "fascist" repression and opposition to equality.  The Senate’s leftists promise to grill Supreme Court nominee John Roberts on his thoughts about the "right to choose."  In this article, I put forth the position that conservatives are indeed the real advocates of choice.  Once you look at the facts, and not the spin, you’ll see why I say this.

"The left uses ’pro-choice’ to mean one thing:  The freedom to choose to kill your unborn baby.  However, other than that one single ’liberty,’ the left’s position on virtually every issue is anti-choice."

The left uses "pro-choice" to mean one thing:  The freedom to choose to kill your unborn baby.  However, other than that one single "liberty," the left’s position on virtually every issue is anti-choice.  They seek to limit your choices and your liberty.  Even the Constitution will not stand in the way of their crusade to strip you of your rights.  Here are but a few examples:

The left is not "pro-choice" when it comes to your right to choose a decent education.  When anyone offers the potential of vouchers that would allow families, especially poorer families, to choose a quality education alternative to failing government-run schools, the left howls in protest.  Under the pretense of "separation of church and state" (more about that later), the left campaigns hard to force you to keep your kids in government-run schools, even when those schools are horribly deficient in educating them.  This fight should have been over a decade ago; wherever vouchers have been implemented, the kids benefitted.  However, government school teachers’ unions are a base faction of the Democratic party, so the opposition to your right to choose is knee-jerk and ingrained.

"The left is not ’pro-choice’ when it comes to your right to retire at a level above poverty.  Our President has proposed a common-sense proposal for private retirement accounts as part of Social Security -- at your option, your choice.  This would result in triple the retirement benefits that present retirees receive.  The left is apopleptic at the very notion."

The left is not "pro-choice" when it comes to your right to choose to retire at a level above poverty.  Our President has made a common-sense proposal for private retirement accounts as part of Social Security -- at your option, your choice.  This would result in triple the retirement benefits that present retirees receive.  The left is apopleptic at the very notion.  They don’t want to give you the right to choose to be independent of the government.  They use the pretense of "market instability" to thwart your right to choose.  Never mind that the present system rips off people who die just before retirement.  That happened to both of my wife’s parents, and they lost a total of $175,000 between them.  Our President wants to give you the right to choose to put that money into a private account, exactly the same choice that the members of Congress, including the howling leftists, already enjoy.  He wants you to be able to leave that money to your heirs.  Who is truly pro-choice?

The left is not "pro-choice" when it comes to your right to own a firearm.  Never mind that your right to keep and bear arms is enshrined in the Constitution’s Second Amendment!  In fact, the right is treated in the Constitution as inviolate ("the right to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged" -- that is, interfered with in any way).  The left wants to rip that right to choose out of your hands.  The use the pretense of "keeping guns away from criminals" to thwart your right to choose.  Of course, the fact that criminals don’t care about gun control laws and will still obtain firearms matters not a whit to the left.  They don’t care that they are disarming the public and leaving them easy prey for the criminals.  A disarmed public is also easier to suppress when someone wants to institute totalitarian rule.  Our guns protect our liberty.  That’s why there is a Second Amendment!  No wonder the left wants our guns gone!

"The left is not ’pro-choice’ when it comes to your right to worship freely.  Never mind that this right is guaranteed in the First Amendment!"

The left is not "pro-choice" when it comes to your right to choose to worship freely.  Never mind that this right is guaranteed in the First Amendment!  Under the pretense of "separation of church and state," the left fights constantly to outlaw virtually all Christian symbols on public land.  They try to use the courts to ban displays of the Ten Commandments in courthouses.  They work assiduously to remove the phrase "In God we Trust" from our currency and the phrase "under God" from our pledge of allegiance.  They even want to remove oaths from courtroom proceedings and replace them with mere affirmations on pain of perjury.  They deride and attack Christians.  Never mind that muslims, pagans, atheists, and the like are vigorously protected.  Christians are starting to be persecuted in the United States, a country founded by Christians.

The left is not "pro-choice" when it comes to your right to choose to peaceably assemble.  Never mind that the First Amendment also guarantees this right!  The leftists, under the pretense of "protecting the right to choose," thwart your right to peaceably protest at an abortion clinic with draconian laws, restricting your rights.  They have also opposed any law that seeks to make the abortionist inform you of your choice to not abort your unborn child to death.

The left is not "pro-choice" when it comes to your right to choose to do business.  Under the pretense of "environment," or of "your fair share of taxes," the left constantly seeks to use taxes and regulations to extract from businesses and productive Americans the money they need to fund their unfeasible massive programs.

The left is not "pro-choice" when it comes to choose your health care.  In fact, the Democrats tried to pass a socialized medicine bill that would make it a crime for you to pay a doctor to treat you outside the program; a bill that would have forced doctors to live and serve where the government told them to go.  Only a couple years after the Soviet Union fell, the left in America wanted to impose a Soviet-style system on 1/7th of the U.S. economy.  The people responded to that and kicked the leftists out of control of the Congress; they have remained out of control ever since, thank God.

The left’s support of choice is apparently limited to the sole "option" to kill your unborn baby, apparently even within seconds of it being born (partial-birth infanticide). If you want real choices, there is only one ideology to espouse: Conservatism.