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And the Blood Vessels are Bursting All Over!

Our President has done it.  He has nominated a white male to replace Sandra Day O’Connor.  Already, Chuckie Schumer is berating Samuel Alito for making the court "less diverse."  Harry Reid, aptly described by Polipundit as "a puppet of the ultra-liberal special interest groups," has whined that the President has refused to obey him and choose someone on his list.  Michelle Malkin, the ultimate source for good information from the conservative blogosphere (Please link me, Michelle), has compiled an impressive list of the reactions on the right, which, as you can imagine, are joyous.

I must admit that I think that Alito’s nomination is my second choice, after Janice Rogers Brown.  It is, however, my understanding that Judge Brown did not want the position at this time.  It is also my understanding that Sam Alito was a close second when our President nominated Harriet Miers.  Judging by the reaction of the Left so far, we may not get the penultimate joy of seeing Chuckie Schumer’s head explode, àla the movie Scanners.  But it will be very, very close.  Blood vessels are bursting on the Left.  All over the place.

"As the Liberals’ blood vessels burst, they realize that they cannot defeat Mr. Alito in a fair vote, and must resort to the non-Constitutional option of a minority keeping the majority from doing what they were elected to do.  That is a mistake that could, and would, have Nuclear consequences."

I refuse to link that Anti-American seditious Liberal whine-site Daily Kos.  But I read parts there this morning.  But, showing the Left’s typical level of maturity, they refer to the nominee as "Assholito," and make level-headed statements like "If you want an example of Rover [sic] at his best we now have it! When the enemy(dems) have [sic] you in a corner kick em in the balls and attack, attack, and attack again! Lets face it, the very first to drop the plame [sic] issue and turn to the SCOTUS will be liberals."  They are talking of pressuring the Left to filibuster Mr Alito, and further of flipping the six GOP senators needed to implement the Nuclear option.  As the Liberals’ blood vessels burst, they realize that they cannot defeat Mr. Alito in a fair vote, and must resort to the non-Constitutional option of a minority keeping the majority from doing what they were elected to do.  That is a mistake that could, and would, have Nuclear consequences.  And, contrary to the conclusions of the Daily Kos crowd, we would not pay a political price by ensuring that a group of pouting petulant children could not thwart the Constitution of the United States of America.

As the liberal blood vessels burst, I am reminded of Drudge’s hot story over the weekend.  David Brooks, opining in the New York Times, showcases liberal paranoia.  To wit, referring to the Plame / CIA affair: "Leading Democratic politicians filled the air with grand conspiracy theories that would be at home in the John Birch Society." Continuing, Mr. Brooks writes, ""Why are these people so compulsively overheated?.. Why do they have to slather on wild, unsupported charges that do little more than make them look unhinged?"  The Alito nomination is already garnering the identical reaction to the Plame affair.  Did the Left heed Mr. Brooks?  Of course not.  They attacked him in Editor and Publisher.  But then, doesn’t that reaction prove Brooks’ point?

"Now, the extreme Left, who, as Rush noted, were quaking in their boots over who might replace Miers, could only hope to convince our President that he was too weak to nominate someone who would touch off a fight.  They failed."

Now, the extreme Left, who, as Rush noted, were quaking in their boots over who might replace Miers, could only hope to convince our President that he was too weak to nominate someone who would touch off a fight.  They failed.  Our President showed off a nice pair of steel cajones and nominated someone who is just as legally brilliant as John Roberts, with a credential set good enough to get Mark Levin to issue a warm, ringing endorsement.  With one simple move, our President has cemented his delighted conservative base. 

To the wackos at Daily Kos, the President is "Mr. 39% [approval rating]."  Of course, our President’s approval rating has risen and the 39% rating is obsolete.  Moreover, the very act of naming Alito has cemented our base.  This, combined with Patrick Fitzgerald’s professional handling of the Plame affair that did not include a Rove indictment, combined with rosy economic news, supplemented by falling gasoline prices, will ensure that our President’s approval rating is going to dramatically rise.

"The Left, in general, is gearing up for a fight, because the extreme Left base will demand it.  They will lose.  A filibuster will absolutely, certainly result in the Nuclear Option."

Harry Reid is "disappointed" and "dejected."  The Left, in general, is gearing up for a fight, because the extreme Left base will demand it.  They will lose.  A filibuster will absolutely, certainly result in the Nuclear Option.  Then what will the Left do when Justice Stevens, 86, retires or passes away?  Or when Justice Ginsburg, not in the best of health, also decides to hang up her gavel?  Our President will have carte blanche to nominate whomever he pleases.  But, will the Left be so consummately stupid as to filibuster Mr. Alito?  Logic would dictate that one would not tilt at the windmill and ruin its future ability to resist judicial nominees, especially when the Left can only depend upon the courts to force their agenda upon the people.  But, then again, the Left has historically been unable to resist the temptation to grab the nearest shotgun and shoot itself in the foot.

Bursting Leftist blood vessels will lead to an irrational fight, all to preserve the Left’s high unholy sacrament of abortion.  The Nuclear Option will, in my opinion, be triggered.  And, watch the Left’s blood vessels really burst when our President’s -- and out party’s -- approval ratings soar.

UPDATED AT 12:05PM CST on 31-Oct-2005:

Decision ’08 Blog has posted a pile of Daily Kos reactions that prove my point.  The extreme Left will push the Democrats into a suicidal filibuster.  Quotes:

  • "This can and should be a defining moment for the Democratic Party. This forces them to stand up and make a distinction- at least that is what I’m hoping for.
    "If they don’t- kiss the Party goodbye. Women will leave in droves. Progressives will leave in droves. Those of us hanging on to the tiny bit of hope we had that the Dems will put up a fight- we will go now if they don’t.

    "They must fight this. Or they are toast.

    "This is it, kids. This is the battle that will define both parties for some time to come."
  • "Dems shouldn’t even permit hearings until an independent counsel or commission is appointed to uncover all the treason and fraud at the White House. Period."  (Editor’s note:  Last I checked, the Democrats have 45 of 100 votes; a minority.  I don’t think that qualifies them to boss around the duly elected majority.)
  • "This is where REAL CARING EVERYDAY people can call, e-mail, snail mail, and visit Democratic senators, especially those on the Jud. Comm. and tell them in no uncertain terms that they MUST FIGHT this nominee as he DOES NOT represent the best interests of the nation ... Alert Dems in the right offices that they ought to join the 61% of people who think Bush and his ideas suck."  (Editor’s note:  Of course, the 29% approval rating is long obsolete; as the days of this week go on, there will be even more of an uptick.)

Typical Leftist maturity.