Today is Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Welcome to Conservativity, an Internet based opinion
webzine. Here we analyze the news of the day and present our
principled and reasoned conservative viewpoint. We aim to
present an additional perspective on the issues of the day.
We're new. As time passes and issues develop, we will develop
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Recent Articles:
- The United States is in grave danger.
It’s been seven long years since I wrote here. Now, I feel the need to
again unleash my keyboard and start to write again. The country is at
The United States is in grave danger. Last night, June 27, 2024, a
presidential ... By Conservativity Staff, Friday, June 28, 2024 - The American People hit the Lotto - Justice Gorsuch!
There is a 100% likelihood that, someday, I will disagree with a ruling by Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, but that day has yet to come. Justice Gorsuch is the shining pinnacle of President Trump’s kept promises to the people. We’ve seen his ... By Conservativity Staff, Wednesday, June 28, 2017 - The American Left: Rickrolled!
There is an extremely-popular prank on the Internet. It’s called “rickrolling.” One clicks on a YouTube or other video, and instead of getting what the description says, the video suddenly cuts into the video of the 1980’s song, Never Gonna Give ... By Conservativity Staff, Tuesday, June 20, 2017 - The Left Doesn't just hate Trump. It hates YOU.
They don’t just hate President Trump. They hate YOU.We have witnessed an endless litany of evidence-bereft accusations flung at our new President, with the background chorus of “Impeach! Impeach!” played loud and long by the leftists in the ... By Conservativity Staff, Friday, May 19, 2017 - The Unhinged Left Drives into the Canyon.
Into the Canyon – A Tragedy.
Wow. I never thought I’d see what I am seeing now. We are seeing a left-wing media driving the leftist Democrat party over a cliff and into the canyon. The derangement level of the left is over the top. The ... By Conservativity Staff, Thursday, May 11, 2017 - Senator McConnell: Use the Nuclear Option!
Ann Coulter, who was unable to speak at UC Berkeley today because of fascist thugs who ironically call themselves “Antifa” – a contraction of “Anti-Fascist” – while using physical violence or its threat to silence those who may disagree with its point ... By Conservativity Staff, Thursday, April 27, 2017 - Fair weather friends? President Trump did the right thing!
I have seen a lot of criticism of President Trump for destroying the air base from which the chemical attack was launched. From where I sit, the president’s response was perfect. He destroyed or at least significantly delayed the Syrian ... By Conservativity Staff, Sunday, April 9, 2017 - The fool’s going to... I mean, Schumer’s going to do it!
Corrected to fix a typo in a date“The fool’s going to ... I mean, the Sheriff’s going to do it!” – Blazing Saddles, when Bart agrees to take on Mongo.
Chris Coons has just joined the supremely stupid Democrat filibuster ... By Conservativity Staff, Friday, April 7, 2017 - Donald J. Trump: America’s Polygraph
Donald J. Trump: 45th President of the United States of America. Self-made billionaire. Father of five very impressive children. Outstanding chooser of advisers and assistants. And, most importantly, the finest polygraph of the ... By Conservativity Staff, Tuesday, April 4, 2017 - Donald Trump: The Shtarker We Needed!
Shtarker. It was a new word to me this morning.
I read it in an article by Ben Stein
, where he used the word to refer to President-Elect Trump in an ... By Conservativity Staff, Tuesday, January 17, 2017 - The Left has No Vision - And It’s Dangerous
The Left’s Pathetic Excuse for a Vision
Today, the American left has been reduced to a vapid, senseless and
emaciated shadow of a political philosophy. It successfully brainwashed
about 48% of the populace into ... By Conservativity Staff, Tuesday, January 10, 2017 - Donald Trump: Tweeting Superhero!
Faster than a speeding private jet! Able to leap tall poll margins in a
single tweet! It’s Super Trump! Donald Trump is the closest thing that the
United States of America has to a real-life superhero. Using his powerful
... By Conservativity Staff, Wednesday, January 4, 2017 - A Massive Trump Mandate and Leftist Denial
Why Donald Trump has a Clear Mandate
The left is shouting at the top of its lungs that President-Elect Trump has
“no mandate.” This is based on the aggregate vote count of all 51
presidential elections, which, solely because of the ... By Conservativity Staff, Monday, January 2, 2017 - Our Position on the Electoral College
REVISED ON FEBRUARY 23, 2006 AND AGAIN on DECEMBER 20, 2016: The Electoral College is the means by which the people indirectly elect the President of the United States. It is enshrined in the text of the Constitution, and has been amended ... By Conservativity Staff, Tuesday, December 20, 2016 - 2016 Election - I was an Idiot!
Updated to correct an error in the number of counties won by each candidate.I was an idiot. In my previous article of 06 July, entitled “ Hillary Clinton is the Cersei Lannister of ... By Conservativity Staff, Monday, December 19, 2016
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